Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This week in Google 80 Civil Smackdown a podcast hosted by Becky Worley was the topic of Bing's stealing from Google. Becky Worley is an American journalist and broadcaster and a tech contributor for Goodmorning America on ABC and also does a tech podcast of whats going on the in world of technology.

Everybody knows that Google is the number one search engine especially compared to Microsoft's Bing. Apparently Bing is copying Google search results.Google monitors people's click streams and search results. Google is doing a better job in providing non copied material to us who use Google. Google wants you to see the original sites instead of the copy cats. Google also wants to be the be the best in spelling misspelled words.

In a recent research of the top ten word search results, Google noticed many similar words that were search in Bing's top ten word search results. At first Google blew it off for a couple of months, but then the similarities started showing up again. Strange misspelled words were the same as Google; this started last fall.

Google did a stinger. Some of the engineers made up some words and gave them definitions and typed that word into Bing's search engine. Sounds kind of tricky but it worked! The exact same word and exact same definition came up. "MZZ" is just one of the made up phrases and gave them a definition. Bing was caught in the act.

Is this copying material wrong? I think so. Microsoft responded to "We use thousands of different signals to create our results" when asked by Google how did they get this index. Is Google just trying to make Bing look bad? Does it really matter who gets the information first? Does this industry need to be regulated if we are going to acting like children over who has the most index in search engines? So many questions to be answered and concerns to think about. Personally I do not not care who gives or has the information first as long as I get what I need at the click of my fingertips

Many content online is copied. Becky Worley discusses all these questions in her podcast. Here is the link check it out. http://twit.tv/twig


  1. I think maybe its just a coincidence, what does Google get their information from? Google is the best at searching information on the internet. Bing may be copying maybe not, but at least they know who their competition is and is trying to be just as good.

  2. Google shouldn't worry. They should realize that any information being put on the Internet is at risk to be copied by any one person or organization (like another search engine). Even if Bing is trying to become the next Google, they never will by just being a weaker copy

  3. They are all doing the same thing! Google and Bing make a fortune on giving information to people. What if they had to pay for that information then they wouldn’t be making any money. Eventually two of these companies were going to run together. I mean someone is always going to point his or her finger at someone else.
