Tuesday, January 25, 2011


arizona-shootings-impact-obama-state-of-the-union-address-voice-of-america_ifacr_0.jpgWatching the President give his state of the Union Speech make me feel excited about the changes that the United States of America will have in our future. He wants our technology to grow within the next five years. Throughout many hard times that we have faced recently Obama did a great job addressing the public about health care, tax cuts, and providing wireless services for almost the whole nation.

Obama mentioned how the " Future is Ours to Win". This quote is a great way to begin the new year and give us American hope that throughout our struggles we are America and we can make it through any trials and tribulations.

As a communications major I find this is important and exciting to see how the world is about to change, technology going to grow and lives are going to get better. Even though some people may have lost faith in Obama after his speech today I feel that they should change their minds. He will wants America to be the greatest country ever.

This hour long speech will also shape his image for the 2012 elections. Even though I am not a big political person I love how Obama is passionate about or country and will fight for what he knows is right no matter who may like or dislikes him. He is a powerful man and his speech did its overall goal in informing the public and giving us the mindset that "The Future is Ours to Win"



  1. Aftan hearing this speech from you made me feel inspired to be an American! I agree with you about people putting faith back into Obama. I think he had kind of a mess to fix when he got into office. I believe in him and I think we as Americans should trust Obama. He is the president and he deserves our respect, reguardless if you like him or not.

  2. I clearly agree with you here. Hearing his speech is very encouraging for me. It is going to give alot of Americans hope. With the technology about to change hopefully it will create more jobs and what not. After all, he was not exactly put in the best of situations when he took over the presidency. In my opinion he is doing a great job.
